Friday, April 1, 2011

My Classroom! (aka Blog #1)

Upon entering my classroom, you will find that it is filled with color and pictures all over the walls. Learning should be an exciting experience for everyone. As a teacher, I am all about teaching my students and having them learn hands-on, asking questions and experimenting for themselves. We do many group projects that involve researching and creative thinking. You will also find that my classroom is very free. Even with order and rules, my class has fun and is free to ask as many questions as they want. There is no such thing as a stupid question.

My teaching philosophy is that I believe that fun can be had even with rules and order. I treat my students with respect, with the same expectation in return.

About me:
Buford, Georgia, United States
Hi there! I am Ms.McCormick as you all know. I've been teaching here at Sawgrass Elementary for 5 years so far and loving it. I graduated from Georgia Tech and got my job right after. I love my job and look forward to it 
everyday. I am married and have 2 beautiful children. Hope to get to know you!

My students bring me such great joy. In a classroom filled with 24 students, it is very rare that any problems occur. We all work together to make learning easy and fun. My students love to work in groups, as well as by themselves.

Class Activities: As a class, we go on field trips about once every 3 months. I'm a hands-on type teacher and like for my students to be able to experience what they're learning.
We also have our own aquarium filled with fish and other small marine life creatures. We learn to take care of it and learn about all the creatures inside.
We do many projects in this class. Most projects are done with partners or in groups.

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