Saturday, April 2, 2011

Traditional and Emerging Technologies in my Classroom

Both traditional and emerging technologies are beneficial to all classrooms. Traditional technologies, even though older than newer ones, can be used to present material. For example, overhead projectors are used to show materials with information on slides that go onto the screen when turned on. VCR's can be used to show different videos...Libraries tend to have a lot of VHS movies still. Desktop computers and laptops (it's hard to believe laptops are part of traditional technologies) allow students to surf the web and research. Emerging technologies make things easier than ever. WiFi allows students to walk around with laptops and that will help allow freedom to the students and it's just easier than having a big desktop computer in the classroom. Blogs like this help students/parents and teachers interact while at home. Posting videos, information, pictures, reminders on here will allow students to review material and see what else I have to say. I have never tried a virtual reality environment in my classroom, but I think it's amazing how students can experience so many different things in 3D, this will really help the hands-on learner.
Teachers need to become familiar with the different technologies before putting them in their classrooms. I have went through every single one of the technologies in my classroom until I've understood how to use each of them clearly. I suggest that teachers ask questions and experience for themselves what they are placing in their classroom for students to access.

 This video is for the questioning parent who doesn't understand the need of technology in the classroom.

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